Fattening face foods

Fattening face foods

The thinnest face:

 The face is considered the title of women's beauty, so she is always keen to make it more fresh and beautiful, and sometimes it happens that the face loses its fullness when losing weight greatly, and sometimes becomes pale, which causes tension and great inconvenience for women, as a full and fat face is a sign of the freshness and beauty of the skin This is a trait that women strive to obtain, and one of the most simple ways to fatten the face is to resort to foods and foods that restore the fullness of the face, which we will talk about in the article.

Causes of the thinnest face

  • These are the most prominent things that cause the face to thin and transform:
  • Hereditary reasons may lead to a thin and paler face.
  • Fatigue, extreme fatigue, high exertion, and extreme anxiety.
  • Malnutrition and wrong health habits, as not following a balanced diet ultimately leads to the thinnest of the face.
  • Following harsh diets to lose weight, it causes the face to be thinner and paler due to the harshness of the system, especially if it lasts for a long time, and among these diets, the chemical diet that deprives the body of many of the necessary nutrients.
  • Anemia.
  • Frequent staying up late and lack of sleep. Depression.
  • Undergo chemotherapy.
  • Infection with mental illnesses such as bulimia nervosa, which leads to a large number of food intake and then self-vomiting, which makes the body not benefit from the food eaten at all.
  • The frequent application of cosmetics and powders to the face, especially those that are of unknown source, may contain chemicals harmful to the skin and body.
  • Reducing the intake of fruits and vegetables rich in important nutrients for the body and skin.
  • Lack of drinking water that leads to dry and dull skin, so you should drink at least two liters of water daily.
  • Lack of exercise.
  • Low levels of vitamin C and vitamin A in the body.

Fattening foods for the face:

  • The fenugreek
  • A mixture of milk and honey
  • Foods rich in carbohydrates
  • Brewer's yeast
  • Orange juice, milk and oats
  • Apple, Carrot, and Lemon
  • fruits and vegetables
  • Raisins

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